Academic Conference Presentations
“Painted Books and Painted Bodies: Queer Reinterpretations of Cervantes’s El curioso impertinente in Book Illustration and Middleton’s The Second Maiden’s Tragedy.” Modern Language Association Annual Convention. New Orleans, LA. Jan. 2025.
“Let’s Not Forget the Artist: Holistic Archival Studies of Don Quixote Book Illustrations as Framed by Salvador Dalí.”Cervantes Society of America (CSA). Panel: "How do Concepts of Visibility Shape the Narratives within Cervantes’s Works." South Atlantic Modern Language Association Conference: “Seen and Unseen.” Jacksonville, FL. Nov. 2024.
“Open AI: Artificial Intelligence in Early Modern Spanish Pedagogy and Research.” Cervantes Society of America (CSA). Panel: “Insecurity and Fear: The Future of Cervantes Studies in the Humanities.” South Atlantic Modern Language Association Conference: “(In)Security: The Future of Literature and Language Studies.” Atlanta, GA. Nov. 2023.
“Artificial Intelligence in University Language and Literature Classrooms: Pedagogical Models of Input and Output Assessment.” Online conference: “Language X.0: The AI Revolution in Language Education.” University of Kent. 6 Sept. 2023.
“Teofanía y mito en ilustración: écfrasis inversa de la primera salida de don Quijote.” Asociación Internacional Siglo de Oro (AISO). XIII Congreso. Oviedo, Spain. July 2023.
“Expanding the Canon: Pintura as Unifying Referent in Don Quijote Magazine 1892-1902.” South Atlantic Modern Language Association Conference: “Change.” Panel: “The Hinge: Transformations for a Turn of a Century.” Jacksonville, FL. Nov. 2022. Online.
“Illustrating Eternal Homoaffect in Cervantes’s El curioso impertinente.” Symposium on Gender and Sexuality in Early Modern Spain. National conference. Georgia College and State University. Milledgeville, GA. Nov. 2021.
“Queer Slum Tourism in the Works of Salvador Novo and Carlos Monsiváis.” 68th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Council of Latin American Studies (SECOLAS). Panel: “Queer Theory in Latin America: Honoring the Work of David William Foster.” Apr. 2021. Online.
“Homonormalizing Masculine Amicitia in Book Illustrations of Cervantes’s El curioso impertinente.” South Atlantic Modern Language Association Conference: “Scandal! Literature and Provocation: Breaking Rules, Making Texts.” Cervantes Society of American panel: “Themes of Boundaries, Rules, Limits, and Cultural Regulations in the Works of Miguel de Cervantes.” Atlanta, GA. Nov. 2020. Online.
“Don Quixote Slum Tourism: Quixotic Subjections and Privileges.” Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies Conference: “Unfreedom.” Panel: “Subjections from Iberia to the Southeast and Southwest.” Tempe, AZ. Feb. 2020.
“Queering Early Modern European Literature: A History of Theoretical Issues and Challenges.” The Southeastern American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Conference: “Encounters in the 18th Century: Maps, Materials, and Media.” Panel: “Mapping Queer Theorizations in Early Modern Europe.” Macon, GA. Feb. 2020.
“Power through Surrealism: Terry Gilliam and Salvador Dalí Illustrate Don Quixote.” South Atlantic Modern Language Association Conference: “Language, Power, Identity, Relationships.” Cervantes Society of America panel: “Themes of Power, Identity, and Relationships in the Works of Miguel de Cervantes.” Atlanta, GA. Nov. 2019.
“Border Bias and the Black Legend.” Latin American, Caribbean, and Latino Studies Conference. Faculty Roundtable. Milledgeville, GA. May 2019.
“Appropriating don Quixote in Book Illustration.” The Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting. Panel: “Popular Readers in Early Modern Spain.” Toronto, ON. Mar. 2019.
“Don Quixote, Tourism, and Child-Star Cinema in Franco’s Spain.” South Atlantic Modern Language Association Conference. “Fighters from the Margins: Sociopolitical Activists and Their Allies.” EMIT Society panel: “Reinventing Don Quixote in Cultural Production: Sociocultural and Political Agendas.” Birmingham, AL. Nov. 2018.
“Surrealism, Kitsch, and Salvador Dalí’s Don Quixote.” South Atlantic Modern Language Association Conference. “High Art/Low Art: Borders and Boundaries in Popular Culture.” Panel: “Hispanic Literatures and Arts: Beyond Boundaries.” Atlanta, GA. Nov. 2017.
“Endowing Don Quixote with a Sexual Characterization: Queer Issues.” The Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting. “Unusual Vistas: Transforming Hispanic/Novo Hispanic Classicism in the Golden Age Matrix.” Chicago, IL. Apr. 2017.
“Edging the Spectator: Marco Berger’s Cinematic Queer Continuums.” The Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association Convention. Salt Lake City, UT. Oct. 2016.
“Salvador Dalí’s Pictorial Fanfare for the Common Man: Marketing Surrealistic Renaissance Classicism through Mid-Twentieth Century Don Quixote Illustrations.” The University of Chicago Center in Beijing Symposium. “Cervantes in China on his 400th Anniversary.” Beijing, China. June 2016.
“Salvador Dalí’s Everyman: Sublimation of Epic Myth in Don Quixote and the Windmills (1946). The Arizona Center for Medieval & Renaissance Studies Conference. “Marginal Figures in the Global Middle Ages and Renaissance.” Scottsdale, AZ. Feb. 2016.
“It Falls on Caravaggio’s Homoerotic Shoulders.” The Arizona Center for Medieval & Renaissance Studies Conference. “Marginal Figures in the Global Middle Ages and Renaissance.” Scottsdale, AZ. Feb. 2016.
“H-Cervantes: Networking Early Modern Scholarship.” The Arizona Center for Medieval & Renaissance Studies Conference. “Marginal Figures in the Global Middle Ages and Renaissance.” Scottsdale, AZ. Feb. 2016.
“Dalinian Surrealism Befriends Cervantine Epic.” The Arizona Center for Medieval & Renaissance Studies Conference. “Trades, Talents, Guilds, and Specialists: Getting Things Done in the Middle Ages and Renaissance.” Scottsdale, AZ. Feb. 2015.
“Why did Dalí Invert that Image? Cervantes through Dalí.” University of Chicago Spanish Graduate Student Conference. “Eyes that Speak: Textual Visions and Visual Texts.” Chicago, IL. Apr. 2014.
“Asexualidad, matricidio y ausencia paternal en obras de Virgilio Piñera y Manuel Puig.” Arizona State University Spanish Graduate Literature Conference. “Transformaciones: nuevas perspectivas en el siglo XXI.” Tempe, AZ. Mar. 2014.
“Representaciones heterólogas de imaginería grecolatina: análisis semióticos de la primera salida de don Quijote en una ilustración de Salvador Dalí.” Arizona State University Spanish Graduate Literature Conference. Tempe, AZ. Mar. 2014.
“Representación del tabú queer: la relación lésbica madre/hija en la obra de Luzma Umpierre.” Brown University Graduate Student Conference. “Ruptures and Transgressions.” Providence, RI. Oct. 2012.
“Hacia una lectura queer: entrevista con David William Foster.” VI Simposio Internacional: Narratividad y discursos múltiples - Homenaje a David William Foster. Centros de Estudios de Narratología (CEN), Buenos Aires, Argentina. July 2011.
Invited Presentations and
Guest Lectures
"Seizing the Boom of Generative Artificial Intelligence in Undergraduate Classrooms: Meaningful Activities and Assessable Moments." Digital Humanities Collaborative Fellowship. Georgia College & State University. 26 Feb. 2024.
“A Dalinian Don Quixote: Iconography, Illustration, and Pedagogy.” Cervantes Seminar. Arizona State University. School of International Letters and Cultures. 31 Aug. 2021.
“Dalinian Surrealism in Movie Posters of The Man Who Killed Don Quixote (2018).” Web Talks Series. Georgia College and State University. World Languages and Cultures. Milledgeville, GA. 9 Oct. 2020.
“Best Practices in Foreign Language Healthcare Interpretation.” Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Blacksburg, VA. Mar. 2018. Online.
“Queering Don Quixote: Theoretical Issues and Challenges.” Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies. Tempe, AZ. Oct. 2016.
“‘Modernization’ and (Anti)modern Woman in Franco’s Spain: 1968’s Patriarchal Paradox in Film and Posters.” Arts-Connect: Discover Spain and Portugal Series. Scottsdale Center for the Performing Arts. Scottsdale, AZ. Feb. 2015.
“Major Issues Affecting Foreign Language Healthcare Interpretation.” Clemson University VI Annual Language and International Health Symposium. Clemson, SC. Oct. 2014.
Academic Conference and
Panel Organization
Panel organizer and Co-Chair. Cervantes Society of America (CSA). Panel: “Seen and Unseen: How do Concepts of Visibility shape the Narratives within Cervantes’s Works?” South Atlantic Modern Language Association Conference: “Seen and Unseen.” Jacksonville, FL. 15-17 Nov. 2024.
Panel organizer and Moderator. Undergraduate. “Engaging Quixotism in Generative Artificial Intelligence: A GC1Y Experience.” GCSU Research Day. 27 Mar. 2024.
Moderator. “Roundtable: Student Perspectives on Artificial Intelligence.” GCSU Research Day. 27 Mar. 2024.
Panel organizer and Co-Chair. Cervantes Society of America (CSA). Panel: “Insecurity and Fear: The Future of Cervantes Studies in the Humanities.” South Atlantic Modern Language Association Conference: “(In)Security: The Future of Literature and Language Studies.” Atlanta, GA. 9-11 Nov. 2023.
Panel organizer and Co-Chair. Cervantes Society of America (CSA). Panel: “CHANGE: Adaptation, Recreation, and Reinterpretation of Cervantes’s Literary Works.” South Atlantic Modern Language Association Conference: “Change.” Jacksonville, FL. Nov. 2022.
Conference organizer and Chair. Symposium on Gender and Sexuality in Early Modern Spain. National conference. Georgia College & State University, Milledgeville, Georgia. Nov. 5, 2021.
Panel organizer and Chair. “Queer Theory in Latin America: Honoring the Work of David William Foster.” Southeastern Council of Latin American Studies (SECOLAS). 68th Annual Meeting. 15-18 April 2021. Online.
Panel organizer and Chair. Cervantes Society of America (CSA). Two panels: “Themes of Boundaries, Rules, Limits, and Cultural Regulations in the Works of Miguel de Cervantes.” South Atlantic Modern Language Association Conference: “Scandal! Literature and Provocation: Breaking Rules, Making Texts.” Atlanta, GA online. Nov. 2020.
Panel organizer and Chair. Cervantes Society of America (CSA). Two panels: “Themes of Power, Identity, and Relationships in the Works of Miguel de Cervantes I and II.” South Atlantic Modern Language Association Conference: “Language, Power, Identity, Relationships.” Atlanta, GA. Nov. 2019.
Panel organization committee. “Issues Surrounding the U.S.-Mexico Border.” Latin American, Caribbean, & Latino Studies Conference/Senior Day. Georgia College. Milledgeville, GA. April 2019.
Panel organizer and Chair. Early Modern Image & Text Society (EMIT): “Reinventing Don Quixote in Cultural Production: Sociocultural and Political Agendas.” South Atlantic Modern Language Association Conference. “Fighters from the Margins: Sociopolitical Activists and Their Allies.” Birmingham, AL. Nov. 2018.
Roundtable organizer and Chair. “Unusual Vistas: Transforming Hispanic/Novo Hispanic Classicism in the Golden Age Matrix.” The Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting. “Unusual Vistas: Transforming Hispanic/Novo Hispanic Classicism in the Golden Age Matrix.” Chicago, IL. Apr. 2017.
Workshop organizer and Chair. “Social Networking, Publishing, and Outreach in Early Modern Scholarship.” The Arizona Center for Medieval & Renaissance Studies Conference. “Marginal Figures in the Global Middle Ages and Renaissance.” Scottsdale, AZ. Feb. 2016.
Panel organizer and Chair. “Friendship and Respect in Baroque Spain and Latin America.” The Arizona Center for Medieval & Renaissance Studies Conference. Scottsdale, AZ. Feb. 2015.
Panel organizer and Chair. “Representaciones del Quijote.” Arizona State University Spanish Graduate Literature Conference. Tempe, AZ. Mar. 2014.
Conference organizer and Co-Chair. XVI Spanish Graduate Literature Conference Organizing Committee. “Social Imaginaries & Cultural Production.” Arizona State University. Tempe, AZ. Feb. 2013.
Panel Chair: “El mito y el imaginario social: consciencias nacionales.” XVI Arizona State University Spanish Graduate Literature Conference. Tempe, AZ. Feb. 2013.
Conference organizing committee member. XV Spanish Graduate Literature Conference. “Migraciones y diáspora desde nuevas perspectivas.” Arizona State University. Tempe, AZ. Feb. 2012.
Panel organizer and Chair: “Lo queer y lo homoerótico en la experiencia hispanoamericana y diáspora. XV Arizona State University Spanish Graduate Literature Conference.” Tempe, AZ. Feb. 2012.